I was...
Terribly worried for no reason.
I was nervous and woke up 2 hours early to get ready to leave for St.Louis to meet his friend.
I got ready in about 40 minutes, and spent the remainder of the time pacing and looking in the mirror a million times.
He got to my house a bit late, and it was raining. He hugged me and was in a cheerful mood.
When we finally got to the house, I was struck by the beauty of it.
(His friend is an architect, and was in town for an architect school reunion, he was staying with his other architect friend, who's house we were at).
It was a private drive up through a beautiful natural prairie, to a large house with many windows. There was a walking bridge over a beautiful creek leading to the front door, and beautiful tropical plants everywhere.
Before we got to the door, the owner of the house came out and said "Who is this beautiful woman you've brought with you!?" and came up to me and took my hand in both of his and said it was a pleasure to meet me. That was the owner of the house.
His friend came out next, and was equally happy to meet me, he seemed very at ease and completely genuine.
Once inside I went on a tour. It was gorgeous. There were floor to ceiling walls throughout the house and natural light came in through the huge skylights and vaulted ceilings. The back deck was ginormous and overlooked the river. It was like you were on a cliff, but it was the patio. The kitchen was huge. Then there's the greenhouse and garden. This man is in his late 60's and he has hobbies like cross-pollinating plants, collecting and caring for orchids, growing his own vegetables and limes in an orchard, doing semi-professional photography, making his own alcohol for (absolutely delicious) margarita's, and harvesting his own honey from the bee colony he keeps in his yard. Yup. Pretty awesome person.
The friend we were there to see was really funny and nice. He asked polite questions but nothing that was implying anything negative, like I had worried about. The first thing we did was go to the mall because the man's wife needed to get some gifts and luggage for people back in India. At the mall it was a bit like a sitcom.
The menfolk walked around behind us carrying things that the wife had picked out. They made jokes about how they don't understand shopping, and she and I made jokes about how men are all the same...hahaha. It was cheesy and stereotypical and fantastic!
Eventually we got to the jewelry at which point the men left to look at the "men's section" in macy's. That's when I came to know the woman a bit more. She's funny and kind. We were trying on earrings when they came back.
"You want that, I'll buy it for you" the man offered as I was taking off some (quite distasteful) earrings. "Oh no," I refused several times until he just put his hand up and said "I'm in a spending mood today, you don't say no to Indians, its just the way we are". So I said okay...but secretly wished he'd seen me trying on some earrings I'll actually wear.
We went back to the house, ate Indian food for lunch...and before the day was through I'd learned wonderful things about his and ryan's relationship. They act in much the same way. Same social graces and such.
Anyway, I got some cuttings from the home owner's rare tropical house plants and I'm very excited about that. Also, the recipe for jalapeno tequila.
At night we all went to a Greek restaurant and ate and talked. When it was time to go, the friend and wife hugged me and kissed my cheeks.
They liked me after all.
On a side note, my partner was extra feisty tonight. He tried to start a totally unnecessary argument about Jew's being the cause of all the world's problems.
He doesn't believe this, of course, he was just saying it to get a rise out of me.
I didn't let it work. I mean, it pissed me off, but I could see through his attempts.
He did this all night. He kept calling the hobbits "fucking midgets" and "retarded" during lord of the rings.
It's like what I used to do when I was 14 to make people mad in class. Taunt them.
"Oh, suzie christian (random name), I fucked jesus and had an abortion from it!"
That kind of stuff.
What an immature thing to do. Not to mention annoying. But for some reason I see it, and recognize it, and I accept it.
Not what he was saying, but what he was doing. Trying to get attention from me. I'm not the only one who's fucked up about attention.
Silly boy.
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