Today...day three in the hospital, was uneventful to say the most.
I sat in the chair for almost 8 hours straight. Watching extreme makeover home edition and Inuyasha. Hahaha.
I did find something interesting out, though.
There is another young woman in her 20's waiting for her second transplant, just a couple of rooms down from me.
She's been in the hospital for 5 months straight, since december.
She's depressed and has no interest in meeting me.
I understand...but find it unfortunate. It's so rare to meet other people my age going through a transplant at all, let alone their second one.
I know what it's like to be so sick that you don't want to see anyone anymore. She probably feels like she'll never get out of this hospital. It's like my feelings about columbia but magnified a thousand times. I was that sick the first time I needed a transplant, when I was 11.
I sometimes feel guilty for not being that sick now.
But I am not. And she is, and that sucks that she won't meet me. I know I could say something, anything, that could make her feel not so alone, or lonely.
I hope I can go home tomorrow.
<3 <3 <3
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