I think...I will delete the negative posts about Ryan and I off of here. I feel...a bit guilty for posting my relationship problems for everyone to read about. It's not cool that I'm sharing personal information about another person with...well who know's who.
So...that aside, I feel that it's okay to speak about positive occurrences, because that's bragging, not berating. That's for my journal.
Anyway, here I am, night number two. Fuck I'm tired. During the day I sat around in the recliner, on the internet. Nothing of great importance happened after the xray this morning. They think I have some kind of virus. I hope it's not the one from the diva haus of doom. But oh well, I did all that I could, wearing a mask and eating off my own dishes. Sheesh.
Around noon, I was bored so I went to the nurses station. See...I'm still a bit used to the children's hospital. There, when I was bored I could go sit at the nurses station and gossip with the ladies, and sometimes even hear stories from the doctors about crazy illnesses and eat candy that they had stashed.
I approached the nurses station here at the adult hospital...cautiously. The moment someone saw me, they hurriedly asked what I needed. "Oh, nothing, just bored" she looked at me for a moment, then shrugged and looked back to her book.
A few more moments passed...
"whatcha reading?" I pointed at her book.
"Bible..." she said, closing the book so I could see the front.
"Ah haaaa..." I backed away.
Then I went back to my room.
Ryan got here at about 4:30 and it was wonderful to see him. I was going crazy with boredom!
He had just eaten but I needed to go do something, so I dared approach the nurses station once more, this time with Ryan in tow, to ask for permission to go to the cafeteria.
"oh, noooo. We can't let you leave the floor. The monitor doesn't pick up anywhere else"
A major difference between the adult and children's hospital...is the willingness to bend rules. Nurses brought me nail polish and cookies, or sneaked some soda from their lunch breaks to me. They gossiped about their lives and listened to me talk about mine. They were like nannies or really cool older sisters. Here...they're so strict. Following the book like zombies. Pro-to-col, pro-to-col. Everyone has a stick up their asses.
"oh, well...I won't tell anyone...I promise." I looked very sadly at the row of nurses sitting at an equally rigid row of computers.
"I'll be fast, too..." I promised with a smile.
AND TO MY UTTER AMAZEMENT...they looked around and said:
"Well...I guess if he's going with you. But you can't tell anyone that we let you go! And hurry back so we know you're safe!"
Hahahhaaaaaaaaaa! With an "Oh my gosh, I love you all!", I escaped to the elevators before they could change their minds.
When we got back to the floor, I leaned over the nurses station and said "I'm not back!!!"
"Rigggghhhht...because you never left!" They looked at me and smiled.
Ah...maybe there's hope for this place afterall.
Ryan stayed in my room the rest of the evening, and we played some rather hilarious games of rock paper scissors (though he can never seem to understand why rock beats scissors, he thinks its a draw). We played "name a country that starts with..." through the entire alphabet and had oodles of fun trying to think of an "O" and a "Y".
I could tell his back was feeling bad after all the driving over the last couple days.
I seriously love him so freakin much.
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