Last night, though a bit tumultuous and cautious...He and I didn't fight. We'd been doing well for a few days (see below) but then Friday and Saturday we got into it pretty frequently/exhaustively. His friend is in St.Louis from the middle east for about a week and he planned to go up there today to see/spend time with him.
Last night, when he was about to leave, he said he'd like me to go with him to meet his friend.
That's really awesome, because I cannot meet any of his really close (childhood/school) friends or family because of his girlfriend. Though, this particular person is "in the know". He say's it's okay because this man is "a cool guy" meaning, I assume, that he won't judge him for his decision to date me on the side.
What he doesn't understand is that this man will most likely judge me.
And therein lies my predicament this morning.
I am excited to be invited into this part of him I've never experienced...but anxious at the same time, about how to act around a man and his wife in their early 40's from the middle east.
Will they be freaked out by my piercings and tattoos? Will they wonder why the hell he is with an alternative looking 22 year old? Will they wonder if I'm only with him for money, or something like that?
Will they ask about his girlfriend?
I know for sure that I'll be keeping my mouth shut and only speak when someone asks me something. Because this is all very confusing for me.
Like last week when we were at the bar and his neighborhood friends came up. When he introduced me they said hello, but then they exchanged glances and ignored me for the most part after that.
They looked disgusted any time I tried to speak and they definitely didn't say goodbye or nice to meet you when they got up to leave.
I don't know why I care what these people think...I guess because it solidifies/exacerbates what guilt I already feel for being a mistress of sorts.
I need their approval in order to not judge myself too harshly.
Or I thought I did...but now we'll see.
He loves me and wants me to meet his friends. I am a good person and I love him and care about him...if his friend can overlook that in order to pass judgment on me, then fuck him.
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