It is 2:15 AM. This is the second night that I've had bad insomnia, and severe heart palpitations. Tonight the palpitations are worse than last night. They are very frequent and quite alarming.
However...I don't know what to do. I kind of think I should go to the emergency room but I am reluctant. I already know what will happen...they will shove an IV into my arm, pump me full of unnecessary fluids, and take chest xrays and an ekg that doesn't show anything wrong. They will only end up transferring me to St.Louis after conferring with my doctors and I will end up in the hospital for a few days, eventually leaving with no results.
Not to mention, I'm kind of scared that they will try to force the internal defibrillator on me again like I'm a customer buying the best washing machine. So that would mean surgery and a garish looking massive bump coming up from my sternum...which would really add to my beaming self confidence lately.
In the meantime, I will miss a visit from my cousin and a pool tournament/party tomorrow, and maybe even the awesome phone conference about my Hollaback startup on monday night. I will make everyone worry about me, most concerning Ryan because any change in my health makes him treat me like a child pariah.
Then there's the driving thing...I would have to wake up Kelsey and have her drive me to the emergency room where she would either have to stay all night (morning) or I would have to be stranded without a car. Then I would get to be all sad and depressed that Ryan couldn't take me (what with the g/f and all...).
Speaking of which, I'm already a bit pissed that this is happening and I can't call him to see what he thinks, or for him to calm me a bit, or for him to fucking come over here and hold me while my heart skips fucking beats.
I'm worried about it because right now its happening in a higher frequency than it has in a long time. I am also worried because I have had sudden death before, luckily in the hospital. It's a side effect of the IV medicine I'm on, but so are palpitations.
Fuck. I'll just go to bed.
Hopefully I'm still alive when I wake up. And if I start having them again tomorrow night, I promise I'll go to the ER. There's a compromise for you.

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