My dreams.
Are becoming an entire existence. Last night I dreamed more than 4 dreams. One was very intense...about being interred in a death camp of sorts, in cramped conditions. My head was shaved and I was thrown into a small dirt-floor room with 15 or so others. We didn't have anything in common, really. Nothing obvious anyway.
When I left the building I was in a long outdoor corridor...an alley of sorts...with other shack-like structures lining it. Surrounding the corridor were 50 foot fences of steel, with no way to see out. The tops and sides were laden with razor wire.
There were people roaming the corridor and guards dressed in brown with black boots and large guns standing at and around the huge gate that was the entrance, and walking through the corridor occasionally. Every half hour or so, the guards left view and a sprinkler system came on...more like a mister. It sprayed everyone in the area.
After a while I made some friends, and then as time passed, people started dying. They would start getting sick and become very skinny. Then they would start coughing up a disgusting greenish gunk from their mouths. They would get really violent and then die by exhausting themselves in undirected rage.
I started getting sick, but a few of us, myself included, didn't go past the sick stage. We felt like shit, but didn't die. We all eventually discovered/deduced that this was a testing facility for mass biological warfare,and that we were resistant and therefore valuable to their research.
Then a loud siren went off, and all the guards marched through the corridor in a procession line. They were being called to some sort of fight, and I was making plans to escape before their return...when I awoke this morning .
When I did awake, my head pounded with a migraine. I found that the blood vessels under my eyes were ruptured. From screaming in my dream. From holding my breath while being tortured in water.
My dreams have always been vivid. I've remembered nearly all my dreams since my first one when I was 3 years old. It's like a part of me lives in another world. There are many recurring places that I dream of. Familiar, homey places. The old house with the impossible construction. The forest where I was a ghost, where the old tree spoke to me and I saw it's whole life in front of my eyes. The haunted house with a roller coaster, where I've faced some of my deepest fears. The school with the old rotting staircase. These are places I visit with regularity, picking up where I left off in my last dream. I know I am dreaming and can become conscious in the dreams. I cannot control what happens, only what I do...whether that be flying, running, crying...whatever.
It's new, though...that my dreams are affecting me physically. A bit distressing. Is there something wrong with my brain? Why are my dreams so vivid and so real? So frequent and jarring? Its interesting.
For sure.
for sure for sure for sure
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