Worry worry worry.
Seriously though.
I don't want this space to create hurt feelings or for my own feelings to create a reason for my name to disappear from the transplant list.
It's a touchy situation- spilling everything for the entire world to read- not that I think the entire world reads my blog- BUT... I feel like the risks are too great and the benefits too numbered.
So from now on the only experiences I'll share are ones from the hospital specifically, I'm going to leave my (home) personal life out of it.
Why do you care about my shitty relationship with my family?
Haha...you don't.
So lets talk about the article I'm writing for the American Academy of Pediatrics bi-annual newspaper. I want to bring to light some of the shitty situations people encounter when transitioning from a pediatric hospital to an adult one.
I haven't been contacted back yet- but have been told that from time to time the Academy publishes pieces from sources other than professional physicians...so keep your fingers crossed.
First of all- it's important to understand that I had been at the children's hospital for 7 years (and still should be) when I was made to leave.
In November of 2007, I developed histoplasmosis after a caving trip. With my weakened immune system, I quickly developed pneumonia, and with a collapsed lung and kidney failure I was in the intensive care unit for 13 days. It was during this time that the state sent out their yearly "audits" to make sure people are still eligible for medicare. Since I was hospitalized the form went incomplete past the due date and I actually lost my medical coverage.
I talked to a few people and they told me to simply re-apply. I didn't think anything of it when they told me I was too old to reapply for medicare. I had to apply for medicaid. What they neglected to inform me was that my current hospital didn't accept medicaid because it isn't usually used in young people... I believe "old ass insurance" was the term used.
So...at a time when I was being put on the heart transplant list, and had lots of other shit going on, I had to completely switch hospitals in the midst of it. I had to meet and form completely new relationships with my doctors and nurses.
I am a whiny baby.
PS...this is funny.
Good night.

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